What is Professional Product Photography?

Professional product photography is a type of photography that focuses on taking pictures of products for use in advertising.

This kind of photography is used to show off products in the most attractive way possible in order to get the attention of potential customers, and boost sales.

Professional product photography often requires the use of special tools, like studio lighting, backdrops, and accessories, to make an image that stands out and accurately shows what the product is and what it does.

Professional product photography requires a lot of skill and knowledge in order to make photos that show off the best features and benefits of the product.

Photographers also need to know what the latest trends are in product photography and be able to use a variety of techniques to get the best photos possible without making them look old.

Product Photography Giant: Nike spends $3.85B in 2022 on advertising

According to Statista, in 2022, Nike spent little more than $3.8 billion on advertising.

Given that there is still one month left in the year as I write this column, that expenditure has increased from $3.11 billion in 2021. There is a reason why well-known brands spend a significant amount of their revenue on advertising: simply to present their product in the most flattering way.

They know the value of their product and how important it is to present it in a creative and professional way.

They understand that, while some professional services may be costly, they are still much less expensive than the money they would lose if they were unable to persuade their potential customers.

Customers will use that money to purchase the goods and services they require, but the battle will be over where they will spend it.

Benefits of Professional Product Photography

Professional photography is an important part of any successful business, whether it’s in the product or service industries.

Professional product photography can help businesses increase sales, make their brand look more professional and strong, stand out from the competition, and save money.

Increased Sales

Professional product photography can help businesses increase their sales by making their products more attractive and desirable.

When a product is presented professionally, it shows customers that the company takes pride in their product and is willing to put in the effort to make sure that it looks its best. In other words, it increases client trust in the company and its products.

Strength Brand Image

Businesses can create a consistent and professional look for their items by using professional product photography, which can help build a more positive brand image.

A professional presentation is another factor that helps build customer loyalty.

Customers are more likely to return for more if they are offered well-presented goods.
By using professional photos that show what the company stands for, customers will be able to connect with the brand and be more likely to buy something from it.

Businesses in the fashion industry are effectively using professional photography to not only showcase their products but also to reach out to their target demographic through storytelling. These pictures are very common today, so everyone has seen them.

It’s easy to see what brands like Banana Republic and Calvin Klein stand for and what they value just by looking at the photos they’ve put out into the world.

This demonstrates the power that may be achieved with the use of professional photography.

Stand Out From The Competition

Many small and medium-sized business owners operate with little or no investment in appearance. Sometimes this is because they are so proud of what they have made that they believe they don’t need to do anything further, and other times it is because they do not recognize the importance of presentation.

Because of this mindset, many other businesses have been able to stand out and thrive.

Another example, this time in the food industry:

You’ve probably gone to a restaurant where just attempting to decide what to order was a massive task due to a lack of design. A restaurant owner can claim they serve the best food in town all they want, but it won’t be enough. Everything in a restaurant is important, from the atmosphere to the service to the food to the decor and the colors.

Simply put, food is only one component of a successful business. A polished presentation will have the same impact on your company.

When compared to those that do not, a professional presentation of your services and products will have the same impact on your organization and enable you to stand out from the competition.

Professional photography can help you give your business a strong visual identity and set you apart from the competition.

Professional photos also help potential customers connect with your product or service on an emotional level, which shows them how valuable it is.


All of the things we’ve talked about so far help businesses make more money. While it’s true that some professional services can be pricey up front, we saw in the Nike case study that in the long run, they really save money.

Customers would be more likely to spend their money on the products of your company than those of your competitors.


Professional presentation is an essential component of any successful business, whether it is in the product or service industries. There is a reason why well-known brands spend a significant amount of their revenue on advertising. Professional product photography can help businesses increase their sales by showcasing their product more attractive and desirable. Many small and medium-sized businesses operate with little or no investment in appearance. Professional photography can help create a strong visual identity for your business. Professional photos also help to create an emotional connection with potential customers, allowing them to see the value of your product or service.

“Nike Ad Spend Worldwide 2022 | Statista.” Statista, www.statista.com/statistics/685734/nike-ad-spend. Accessed 6 Dec. 2022.